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Character Design

Separated by Project and then once off designs

= Graveyard Shift

= Sucks to suck

= Other untitled projects

'Sucks to Suck'
Character Evolution

A personal Project about a pair of young Vampires going to the human world.

Original concepts for Ethans Mum, His Aunt and Him

The original sketch page for the characters (2023)

Example  of first comic attempt with Ethan Design

I really wanted to push Ethan blending in with humans, Show casing his ease with the change, while showing how Damian fits so clearly in with Vampires, Pushing it so the audience can very easily guess Damian is a vampire but not with Ethan.

The original style i drew them in felt too stiff, the second style took too much time when it came to drawing the comic, but i felt like this more4 simplistic and cartoony style felt more right and a quick style to adapt the comic to.

(The style change also allowed for a faster process when it came to testing the designs for comic, Simplistic but also allowed the characters to emote)

Other Designs from not fully developed stories

Older Patch

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